Motor Torque Calculator

Motor Torque Calculator
Motor Torque Calculator

Torque is also one more important variable when it comes to the performance of electric motors. 

It can be used to determine mechanical power and by derivation; electrical power can also be determined. 

When drones and electrical aircraft are concerned, understanding the torque also enables you to measure your motor output independently of the rest of the output. 

The rated torque of the motor determines the magnitude of load that the motor is capable of handling or the maximum load that should be placed on the motor at any given time.

Work is a force in operation over a distance. Work is measured in joules (Nm). 

Torque is defined as a rotational force that derives from a motor’s crankshaft. 

It indicates that the degree of torque generated by the motor determines the capacity of the motor to do work. 

Because torque is a vector that has both magnitude and direction, it is expressed in either newton-meters (Nm) or pound-feet. 

Power is the amount of work done within a specific time, or work per time.

Remember that in an electric motor, it is torque not horsepower that is the main force behind the motor. The torque is the twisting force creating the motor running and as shown earlier the torque is from 0% to 100% operation speed. 

The power generated by the motor is a function of the motor’s speed and is zero at 0 percent speed, and generally, it is at its highest level at operating speed

Motor Rating (P): Motor’s rated power in kW according to the data on the nameplate or in the datasheet. 

Motor Speed (N): Motor’s rated speed in RPM available from the nameplate or datasheet of the motor. Not the synchronous speed. 

The motor’s rated torque is calculated as:

T = (60/2Π) (P X 1000/N)


  • T – Rated Torque in Nm. 
  • P – Motor Rated Power in kW. 
  • N – Motor’s Rated Speed commonly measured in RPM. Not the synchronous speed.

Electric Motors – Torque vs. Power & Speed Table

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