Watts to Joules Calculator

Watt to Joule Calculator
Watt to Joule Calculator

This converter allows you to effortlessly convert between Watts & Joules.

Before we get started on how to convert watts to joules, let’s go over some of the terms used in the calculation below:

Energy is defined as a system’s ability to accomplish work and is measured in joules. A joule of energy is the amount of energy expended to move a one-kilogram product one meter with a constant force of one newton.

Power is a measure of the rate at which work is done in a system and is expressed in watts (W). One watt of power is equivalent to the rate at which one joule of energy is delivered per second.

A 100-watt light bulb, for example, consumes 100 joules of energy each second.

To convert watts to joules, you’ll need a formula.

The formula to convert watts to joules is:

E(J) = P(W) × T(s)

Therefore, the energy (E) in joules is equivalent to the power P in watts multiplied by the duration T in seconds.

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Rabert T
As an electrical engineer with 5 years of experience, I focus on transformer and circuit breaker reliability in 110/33-11kV and 33/11kV substations. I am a professional electrical engineer with experience in transformer service and maintenance. I understand electrical principles and have expertise troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining transformers, circuit breakers, and testing them.