10 Must Learn Electrical Engineering Software


The design, development, prototyping, programming, testing, and simulation of electrical equipment & systems is the responsibility of electrical engineers.

There are several software programmes accessible and utilised by electrical engineers.

The design, construction, & maintenance of electrical control systems, machinery, & equipment is known as electrical engineering. It is extensively used in many aspects all around the globe.

Electrical Engineering Software

Electrical designers must be proficient in PCB design, simulation tools, and programming. Electrical engineering software is mostly used to design circuits, electrical drafting, PCB design, electrical equipment simulation and testing, programming, and so on.

These software’s support engineers and designers in establishing a solid professional path in electrical engineering.

The following are some electrical engineering softwares

1). Electrical AutoCAD (ECAD)

AutoCAD is a prominent CAD design software programme created by Autodesk. AutoCAD Electrical was created specifically for electrical industrial design.

Electrical AutoCAD (ECAD)

Electrical engineers & designers would understand AutoCAD Electrical’s features.

It is used to develop industrial plant layouts, PCB designs, cable arrangements, motor control contactors, junction boxes, and so on.

2). MATLAB (Software for Numerical Computing)

The most often used electrical engineering software among students of electrical engineering is MATLAB (MATrix LABarotary).

It was one of the first linear algebra software programmes to be sold commercially, and MathWorks Inc. released it in 1983.

The most complete software for numerical computing, dynamic system simulations, algebraic solutions, symbolic mathematics, etc. has developed throughout time.

MATLAB (MATrix LABarotary)

It includes toolboxes, or add-on packages, for different functionality.

Toolboxes include built-in functions to carry out numerical calculations, including but not limited to

  • Optimization,
  • Control system design,
  • System identification,
  • Linear system implementation, and
  • Partial differential equations.

The software package MATLAB (sometimes known as MATLAB) uses the MATLAB programming language.

A high-level programming language called MATLAB has a lot of built-in functions for dealing with matrices, numerical calculations, symbolic mathematics, etc. effectively.

Simulink (GUI based programme for Dynamic System Simulation)

Create input data sets for simulations using MATLAB. Conduct a huge number of simulations simultaneously. After that, use MATLAB to evaluate and display the data.

4). Pspice (Electrical Schematic) Software

EE OrCAD PSpice is a SPICE circuit simulator application for analogue and mixed-signal circuit modelling and verification. The term PSpice stands for Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.

With schematic entry, native analogue, mixed-signal, and analysis engines, OrCAD Capture and PSpice Designer provide a full circuit simulation & verification solution.

Pspice (Electrical Schematic) Software

PSpice, a modified version of the academically designed SPICE, was commercialised in 1984 by MicroSim. OrCAD bought MicroSim a decade later, in 1998.

PSpice Advanced Analysis simulation tools include sensitivity, Monte Carlo, smoke (stress), optimizer, and parametric plotter, allowing for a comprehensive knowledge of circuit performance beyond simple validation.

5). Multisim (PCB Design & Circuit Simulation Software) 

Multisim is an industry-standard simulation programme that combines SPICE with an interactive schematic interface. This allows users to rapidly examine and study the behaviour of electrical circuits.

Because of its user-friendly design, teachers are able to better explain circuit theory to their students and increase their recall of theory throughout the engineering curriculum.


Researchers and designers are able to cut down on the number of printed circuit board (PCB) prototype iterations & save money on development expenses when they use Multisim since it enhances the design flow with advanced circuit modelling and analysis.

6). ETAP (Software for Power Systems)

 ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) is a full spectrum analytical software company in electrical engineering  that specialises in the

  • Analysis,
  • Simulation,
  • Monitoring,
  • Control,
  • Optimization, and
  • Automation of electrical power systems.

This software has become the industry standard and is known as an industry standard.


The ETAP software provides the industry’s finest and most complete portfolio of integrated power system enterprise solutions, which range from modelling through operation. These solutions cover the whole life cycle of power systems.

The design, regulation, & operation of a power system all need a number of different studies, and ETAP’s several toolbars provide capability that can do practically all of these analyses.

  • Power Flow Analysis,
  • Relay Coordination and Protection design,
  • Control System Design, and
  • Optimal Power Flow

are all possible tasks that may be accomplished using ETAP.

7). Power World Simulator (Visual Electrical Engineering Software)

Power World Simulator is an interactive power system simulation tool developed to replicate the functioning of high voltage power systems across a time period ranging from few minutes to several days.

Its name comes from the fact that it allows users to engage with the simulation process.

Power World Simulator

The programme incorporates a very efficient power flow analysis tool, which is able to solve problems for networks with up to 250,000 buses in an effective manner.

Increasing the number of add-ons that are purchased in addition to the primary simulator bundle is one way to expand the capabilities of the Power World Simulator.

The add-ons have a variety of applications, including Distributed Computing, the addition of the influence of

  • Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC),
  • Optimum power flow,
  • Transient stability,
  • Voltage stability (PVQV), etc.

8). PSCAD Software (Electromagnetic Transient Analysis Software)

PSCAD is a software programme for electrical engineering that analyses electromagnetic transients in power systems.

As power systems change, the need for accurate, user-friendly simulation tools develops. PSCADTM/EMTDCTM allows to easily construct, simulate, and model your systems, enabling endless possibilities in power system simulation.

PSCAD Software

A large library of system models is included, ranging from basic passive parts & control functions to electric machines & other complicated systems.

9). PSS/E (Power System Simulations Software)

PSS/E is utilised globally by planning & operations engineers, consultancies, universities, and research laboratories. PSSE can conduct a broad range of analytical operations, such as

  • Power flow,
  • Dynamics,
  • Short circuit,
  • Contingency analysis,
  • Optimum power flow,
  • Voltage stability,
  • Transient stability simulation, and much more.

10). LabVIEW (Designing Interfacing & HMIs)

LabVIEW – Laboratory Virtual Instruments Engineering Workbench

LabVIEW  is a systems engineering programme designed for applications requiring test, measurement, & control and also easy accessibility to hardware & data insights.

The LabVIEW software provides a graphical programming technique that allows to visually represent any part of the application, including

  • Hardware setup,
  • Measurement data, &
  • Debugging.

This visualisation simplifies the integration of measuring gear from any vendor, the representation of complicated logic on the diagram, the development of data analysis algorithms, & the construction of specialised engineering user interfaces.


LabVIEW is the main tool on the market for real-time control. It can communicate with a variety of devices in order to collect data from sensors & operate actuators depending on processed data.