A Checklist for servicing Standby Generators


Listed below is a helpful checklist to use as strive (work) to maintain standby generators. Maintain a list of how often these maintenance procedures should be performed.


Weekly Maintenance

• Start the generator and perform an automatic transfer switch workout cycle (usually no-load).

• Make that there are no sirens or warnings and that the unit operated.

• Make sure there is enough fuel.

• Check that the generator is automatically starting in “Auto” mode.

• Verify the circuit breaker is shut off.

• Verify that no fluid is leaking.

Monthly Maintenance

• Verify the engine’s coolant level.

• Verify the engine oil level.

• Verify the battery charger.

Periodic Maintenance (maintenance appointment with a professional technician)

Periodic Maintenance (maintenance appointment with a professional technician)

• Look over the enclosure.

• Verify the specific gravity and electrolyte level of the battery.

• Inspect the battery connections and wires.

• Check the driving belts.

• Check the heater for coolant.

• Inspect connections and lines for coolant.

• Inspect the lubrication system hoses & connectors for signs of oil leaks.

• Inspect the fuel system hoses & connectors for damage and look for fuel leaks.

• Examine the muffler, exhaust pipe, and exhaust system.

• Inspect and clean the air purifiers.

• Examine the connections and pipework for air induction.

• Examine the control panel, accessories, and DC electrical system.

• Examine the accessories and wiring for the AC.

Annual Maintenance (maintenance appointment with a professional technician)

• Replace the filter and oil.

• Replace your fuel filter.

• Replace your air filter.

• Crankcase breather should be cleaned.

• Replace the spark plugs.

• Verify the coolant’s concentration.

• If necessary, flush the cooling system.

• Run tests on load banks.

• Fuel testing and conditioning (applicable exclusively to diesel-fueled units).

• Drain the fuel tank of any water (only applies to diesel-fueled units).