Horsepower to Amperes Calculator for AC Motors


A useful calculator for converting hp to amps for an electric motor is the hp to amps calculator. It works in the same way as the watts to amps calculator.

What does converting horsepower to amps mean?

Hp stands for horsepower, which is a unit of power. Similarly, amps represent amperage, which is the electric current measured in amperes.

To convert horsepowers to amps, the output current from a device with a well-defined power must be estimated.


Ampere Calculation Formula for a Single Phase AC Motor:

Amps = [HP * 746] / [V *%age Efficiency * PF]

Ampere Calculation Formula for a Three Phase AC Motor:

Amps = [HP * 746] / [v *%age Efficiency * PF * 1] .73]

HP – Horsepower
V – Voltage
PF – Powerfactor

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