Indian Standards (Electrical Design)

Indian Standards (Electrical Design)
Indian Standards (Electrical Design)

This post describes a number of Indian Standards concerning electrical design.

It covers practices for

  • General electrical wiring installations,
  • Fire protection practices,
  • Induction motors,
  • Transformers,
  • Switchgear & control gear,
  • Accumulators & batteries,
  • Motors,
  • Cables and carriers, and
  • Alternators.

Some of the most covered aspects within the set standards include insulation, protection from lighting, earthing, classification of hazardous areas, and the testing of the electrical equipment.

Indian Standards
Indian Standards (Electrical Design)
General Requirements
IS–732Code of Standards for Electrical Wiring Installations (System voltage not exceeding 650 volts)
IS–900Code standards for installing and maintaining induction motors
IS–1271Classification of the insulting materials for electrical equipment and machinery based on their thermal stability in service
IS–1646Code of Practice for Building Fire Safety (General): Electrical Installations
IS–1866Code standards for maintaining insulating oil.
IS–1882Code of Standards for Outdoor Public Address System Installation.
IS–1886Transformer installation and maintenance standards
IS–1913General and safety standards for electrical lighting fixtures
IS–2032Graphical symbols utilized in electrical technology.
IS–2165Guidelines for Insulation Coordination
IS–2274Code standards for electrical wire installations (system voltage more than 658 volts)
IS–2309Code of practice for lightning protection in buildings and allied structures.
IS–3034Code of practice for fire safety in industrial buildings – Electrical generating & distributing stations.
IS–3043Code of Standards for Earthing
IS-3072Part -1 Code of Standards for Installation & Maintenance of the Switchgear (System Voltage Not Exceeding 1000 V)
IS–3106Code of Practice for the Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Fuse (voltage not exceeding 650 volts)
IS–3638Application guide for gas-powered relays.
IS–3646Interior illumination practice guidelines.
IS–3716Application guidance for insulation coordinating – Equipment in hazardous environments.
IS–3842Application guidelines for electrical relays for an alternating current system.
IS–4004Application Guidelines for the Non-Linear Resisted Type Lightning Arrestors for alternating current (AC)) Systems
IS–4146Voltage Transformer Application Guide.
IS–4201Current Transformer Application Guide.
IS–5571Guide for selecting electrical equipment in dangerous areas.
IS–5572Classification of dangerous locations in electrical infrastructure.
IS–5780Electrical apparatus & circuits are intrinsically safe.
IS–5908Method for measuring electrical installations in the buildings.
IS–375Marking and layout of switchgear busbars, main connections, and auxiliary winding.
IS–694Part 1 PVC-insulated wires (up to 100 volts) with copper conductors.
IS–1248Direct-acting electrical indicating instruments.
IS–2147The level of protection given by enclosures for low voltage switchgear & control gear.
IS–2208HRC cartridge fuse connects up to 650 volts.
IS–2705Parts I, II, and III: Current Transformers.
IS–3156Parts I, II, and III: Voltage Transformers.
IS–3202Code of Standards for Climate Proofing Electrical Equipment.
IS–3231Electrical relays for power system protection.
IS–4047Heavy-duty air break switches & composite air-break switch and fuse sets for voltages up to 1000 volts.
IS–4237General criteria for switchgear & control gear with voltages not exceeding 1000V.
IS–5987Code of Standards for Switch Selection (Voltage not to exceed 1000V).
6.6 KV
IS–335Insulating oil for the transformers & switchgears.
IS–2516Part 1 – Section 2. Alternating current circuit breakers: Requirements & tests for voltage ranges of 1000 to 11000 volts.
IS–3427Metal-enclosed switchgear & control gear for voltages greater than 1000 V but less than 11000 V.
415 V
IS–722Electricity meters run on alternating current.
IS–1951PVC sleeving for the electrical applications.
IS–2516Part 1 – Section 1
Part II/Sec.2: AC circuit breakers – requirements & tests for voltages less than 1000 volts.
IS–2419Dimensions of electrical indicator instruments.
BS–4752Circuit breakers with rated voltages up to & including 1000 and 1200 V DC.
BS–6231PVC-insulated cables for the switchgear wiring.
IEC–157Low voltage (LV) distribution switchgear circuit breakers.
IS–1554Part I PVC-insulated (high duty) electric wires for working voltages up to 1100 volts.
IS–1822AC motor starters with voltages not exceeding 1000 V.
IS–2959AC contactors with voltages not exceeding 1000 V.
IS–3961Part II Standard current ratings for PVC-insulated and encased cables.
IS–5124Code of practice for the installation & maintenance of AC induction motor starters (voltage not to exceed 1000V).
IS–2959AC contactors with voltages not exceeding 1000 V.
IS–391Primary transformers for electronic devices.
IS–335Insulating oil for the transformers & switchgears.
IS–2026Power transformers
IS–2099High-voltage porcelain bushings.
IS–3070Lightning arrestors for Alternating Current systems.
IS–3637Gas operated relays.
IS–3639Power Transformer Fittings and Accessories
IS–3253-phase induction motors.
IS–4691The level of protection provided by the enclosures for the rotating electrical equipment.
IS–4722Rotating electric machines
IS–1652Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries (with positively charged plant plates).
BS–440Stationery batteries
IS–1554Part I and II PVC-insulated (high duty) electric cables for the working voltages up to & including 1100 volts & up to 33KV.
IS–1753Aluminium conductors used in insulated cables.
IS–3961Part II – Recommended cable current ratings.
IS–3975Mild steel wires, strips, & tapes used to armour cables.
IS–5819Recommended high voltage cable short-circuit ratings.
IS–5831PVC insulation & sheaths for power cables.
IS–71321973 Guide for the testing synchronous machines.
IS–54221996 Turbine-type generators
IS–73061974 Methods for the determining synchronous machinery quantities through tests.