SOP of Meter Testing (On-Site)

SOP of Meter Testing (On-Site)

The periodic testing of consumer metering installations to confirm their healthiness should be carried out meticulously in accordance with this process and IS 15707.

Metering installations must be tested on a regular basis, determined by contract demand.

Plan the timetable such that the time between two testing dates does not exceed the limits listed below:

Installation keys must be kept with the testing team. 

The planned testing visit should astonish the consumer.

Testing equipment should be accurate, calibrated from a laboratory, and well maintained.

On-site testing requires the minimal equipment and accessories listed below:

  • Electronic reference standard meter with clamp (class 0.2 or above)
  • Use a clamp-on ammeter of Class 1 (or) above
  • Multimeter Class 1 (or) higher
  • MRI/laptop with wires
  • Toolkit 
  • Scientific calculator
  • Metering Installation Testing Formats
  • Seals
  • Perform seal verification of kiosk & meter before testing.
  • If the seals are tampered with, testing should only start with an O&M official and customer representative present. 
  • Consider connecting the ERS meter to an auxiliary power supply to reduce the load on the PT circuit. 
  • Connect PT circuits by connecting the neutral first, then all phases. 
  • CT must be clamped to the current circuit after connecting to ERS. CT direction should be checked when connecting clamps. 
  • The clamp CT jaws must be clean (ideally once a month with anti-corrosion solutions) and closed tightly to avoid recording errors.
  • ERS meters should be set to match their CT and PT ratios. So ERS and meters have the same voltage and current units.
  • The vector diagram must confirm MTC classification. ERS memory should hold the same.
  • Record meter and ERS current and voltages simultaneously for confirmation. Record voltage and current THD %. Record the supply phase sequence.
  • If instantaneous PF is high, consumers should be instructed to turn off capacitor units to lower it.
  • Testing starts when load current exceeds 5% of Ib & PF is within 0.5 lag to Unity. Consumers should raise load for test duration if load is low, or testing should be delayed.
  • Record mistakes of the meter under test in scanner mode. Record at least 5 errors. The number of scanner test pulses depends on load current, but one error should take at least 40 seconds.
  • Note cumulative & zone-wise energy readings and confirm total zone energies with cumulative reading.
  • The registration test should last 30 minutes. Initial and final readings should be taken from high-resolution display or MRI calibration mode.
  • Start the test by recording the initial RD & record periodic values over time.
  • Record sample readings of HT & LT current & voltage during the test. 
  • A sufficient number of samples must account for load changes. 
  • KVA apparent power on ERS must also be recorded.
  • Calculate registration error using ERS standard energy and meter units.
  • Calculate PF for test duration using KVARH and KWH differences.
  • Calculate average KVA from HT & LT current & voltage samples, and confirm with MD for test time.
  • After the test, get all meter data by MRI or laptop.

The IS 15707 error limits are as follows:

  • If meter errors (scanner and registration) surpass the above limits, the meter may be replaced. The same meter must be checked in a laboratory in front of the consumer to confirm the inaccuracy. If the inaccuracy is significant, the necessary assessment must be communicated.
  • If meter errors are within limits, but there is a significant discrepancy in HT/LT KVA and units, it may be necessary to test CT and PT to determine if the CT is saturated or if the errors are out of accuracy class.
  • If the RTC of a meter drifts by more than 5 minutes for 0.5s or 2 minutes for 0.2S class meters, it must be changed using an MRI or laptop.
  • Analyze meter data for tamper occurrences.
  • Preserve copies of meter tamper data, instantaneous values, and vector diagram from ERS in the test report for future reference.
  • Inspect the complete metering installation to ensure its health. 
  • Provide a dedicated access route from the public road for testing and vigilance teams to reach the installation quickly.
  • To avoid illegal access, there should be no switches or disconnectors before the metering kiosk.
  • Incoming cable should be routed through a trench with a grill. Cable must be visible up to the metering kiosk.
  • Ensure good maintenance of the metering shed and kiosk to prevent exposure to rain, dust, and moisture.
  • The metering room should have appropriate ventilation, cleanliness, and space from all sides of the kiosk.
  • The metering room should include an auxiliary supply for the testing equipment, lights, and fans.
  • Restrict access to the metering room to authorized individuals only.
  • Ensure earthing strips are correctly attached and free of corrosion. The earthing strips must not overlap one another.
  • Ensure the secondary wire from CT/PT to meter is free of joints and has adequate ferrules.
  • Transformer capacity must be the same as a CD.
  • Provide LT metering for 0.5S class, ideally with a multifunction meter.
  • Ensure supply voltage level matches CD as per SOP. If there is a deviation, the bill should be reviewed to ensure that the voltage surcharge is applied correctly.
  • Check the energy bill for accurate use patterns, tariffs, and additional costs such as express feeder charges.