Distribution Panel Board Testing & Commissioning Checklist


Electrical Testing and Distribution Panel Commissioning

To ensure that the electrical testing & pre-commissioning of the control, distribution, and miscellaneous panel are carried out in a manner that is risk-free, productive, and in accordance with good working practice, as required by the project work specifications. 

This process is meant to provide wide-ranging guidelines and set controls while the test is being prepared.

Necessity of Testing and Commissioning

This method reports will cover the

  • Testing and pre-commissioning of control,
  • Distribution, and
  • Different panels (lighting, power, etc.)

As well as carry out all of the required tests for the refinery and the plants.

Tools & Equipment’s required for Testing

  • Insulation tester,
  • ELCB tester and
  • Multimeter.

Note: The instruments that will be used for testing and commissioning need to be examined to make sure that they have been calibrated, and the reports that verify that they have been calibrated should be saved as a record.

General Testing

1). Physical Check

To confirm that the parts are connected properly and that a complete visual inspection was done, the included checklist was used to record the findings.

2). Polarity Check

Verify the polarity of the switch & the threaded connections, and write the results on the provided format.

3). Continuity Check

All circuits’ continuity is verified with a multimeter, and it is made sure that the value of resistance is within acceptable bounds.

4). Insulation Check 

Check the insulation between wires using an insulation tester; if any is found, replace it right away. Additionally, note the insulation resistance (IR) value for each circuit in the format that is attached.

5). ELCB and Polarity Test


  • Checklist for commissioning and testing format are provided.
  • Inspection request properly approved by Engineer and the Electrical Inspector.


 A check list and a test format have been attached.