Micro -Farad to KVAR Calculator


The capacitance of a capacitor, denoted by “C,” will be converted into reactive power, denoted by “Q” by the microfarad to kVAR conversion calculator (i.e. Kilo-volt amperes reactive or kVAR). It will convert the capacitance measured in microfarads to the kilovolt-ampere-reactive expression (kVAR).

Both microfarads and  kVARs, are units of measurement that are used in capacitor banks, as well as in power factor optimization and correction, with the objective of removing reactive components from the load side, which offers a lot of features.

Simply enter the value of the capacitor’s capacitance, which is measured in microfarads, the voltage, which is measured in volts, and the frequency, which is measured in hertz, and the calculator will provide the value of the capacitor, which is measured in kVAR. To adjust the power factor, the value of the quantity must be equal to or greater than the amount of reactive power that must be eliminated.


kVAR = C in μF x f x V2 ÷ (159.155 x 106)

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Rabert T
As an electrical engineer with 5 years of experience, I focus on transformer and circuit breaker reliability in 110/33-11kV and 33/11kV substations. I am a professional electrical engineer with experience in transformer service and maintenance. I understand electrical principles and have expertise troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining transformers, circuit breakers, and testing them.