Top 25 Electrical Machines Interview Questions

Top 25 Electrical Machines Interview Questions
Top 25 Electrical Machines Interview Questions

The commutator facilitates the gathering of current from armature conductors. It converts the alternating current from armature conductors to unidirectional current in external load circuit.

Brushes transfer current from a revolving loop (or) winding to an external stationary load.

Generators are classified by their field excitation methods: 

  • Separately Excited DC Generators and 
  • Self-Excited DC Generators.

A separately excited generator is one whose field magnet winding is powered by an external direct current source, such as a battery.

A self-excited generator is a direct current generator with a field magnet winding powered by the generator’s output. 

There are 3 types of self-excited generators, based on how the field winding is coupled to the armature.

  • Series Generator – In a series generator, the field winding is linked in series with the armature winding, allowing the armature current to pass through both the field winding and the load.
  • Shunt Generator – the field winding is linked in parallel with the armature winding to ensure that terminal voltage of generator’s output is applied across it.
  • Compound Generator – Compound generators have 2 sets of field windings on every pole, one in series and the other parallel to the armature. A compound wound generator can be:
    • Short Shunt: Short Shunt, where the shunt field winding is parallel to the armature winding.
    • Long Shunt: The shunt field winding is parallel to both the series field and the armature winding.
  • Constant Losses: Constant losses includes Iron, mechanical, and shunt field losses
  • Variable Losses: Variable losses include copper loss.

Armature reaction refers to how the magnetic field created by armature current affects the distribution of the flux under a generator’s main poles. The armature magnetic field has 2 effects: 

  • It demagnetizes and weakens the main flux.
  • It induces cross-magnetism or distortion.

The first effect results in reduced produced voltage, while the second causes sparking at brushes.

Compensation windings are utilized to neutralize cross magnetizing effect of the armature response.

Without compensation windings, the flux will shift backward and forward with load changes, causing an EMF in armature coils. 

The EMF may be strong enough to create an arc between commutator segments. This could lead to a flash-over around commutator, short-circuiting the entire armature.

Coil currents attached to a brush are either positive or negative. As a result, current in a coil reverses as it passes through a brush. The commutation refers to the reversal of current in a coil when it crosses the brush axis.

Improving commutation implies making current reversal in short-circuited coil as spark-free as possible.

This can be accomplished through two methods: 

  • Resistance commutation and 
  • EMF commutation.
  • The continuity of service
  • Efficiency.
  • Maintenance and Repair.
  • Increased plant capacity.
  • No availability of a single huge unit

A direct current motor operates on the basis that once a current carrying conductor is put in a magnetic field, it experiences mechanical force. 

The construction of a DC motor & DC generator is same. The same direct current machine can function as both a generator and a motor.

When a DC motor’s armature rotates with the driving torque, the conductors travel across the magnetic field, causing EMF to be induced, similar to a generator. 

The induced EMF acts in the opposite direction of the applied voltage (Lenz’s law) and is referred to as back EMF (or) counter EMF (Eb). 

When the motor runs normally, the difference between it and the applied voltage (V) is minimal.

Speed regulation is change in speed caused by reducing the motor’s load from its rated value to zero. It is calculated as a percentage of the rated load speed.

Without a load, a series motor cannot start due to its high starting torque. Series motors are used in many different applications, such as cranes and trains.

The Dc series is utilized in trains to provide high starting torque, with a working voltage of 1500V DC.

To control the speed of a direct current shunt motor, use the 

  • Flux Control Method (N∝1/∅)
  • Armature Control Method
  • Voltage Control Method

To control the speed of a DC series motor, use  

  • Flux Control Method
  • Armature-Resistance Control Method

You can reverse the rotation direction of a direct current (DC) motor by reversing either the field current or the armature current.

If both currents are reversed, the motor will run in the original direction.

The shunt motor will reach dangerously high speeds and may destroy itself.

The motor’s rotational direction remains constant, as does the current in the armature and field.

  • The motor will run, but it will not carry the same load as it would with a direct current supply.
  • More sparks from the brushes
  • Eddy currents will be significant, causing overheating and maybe burning the AC supply.