DC Motor Total Power Loss Calculator

DC Motor Total Power Loss Calculator

The total power loss calculator for DC motors provides an estimate of the total power that is lost in a motor as a result of inefficiencies across its many components.

This calculation takes into factors such as

  • Friction losses,
  • Windage losses, &
  • Electrical losses


It does this by calculating the difference between the input power & the output power, taking into consideration the overall efficiency of the motor, and so determining the total amount of power that is lost as heat or in other forms that are not usable.

What does a DC motor’s total power loss mean?

The energy that is lost from a DC motor as heat or other types of non-useful power is referred to as the motor’s total power loss. It includes a wide range of losses, including mechanical losses (like friction in bearings) and electrical losses (such as resistance in windings), as well as losses resulting from windage & stray load losses. Together, these losses add to the motor’s declining overall efficiency & output power. The symbol for power loss is symbolized by  Ploss.

Requirements to determine Power Loss in a DC Motor

Input Power 

The entire power applied to the electrical DC motor from a source that is linked to it is known as input power. It  is denoted by  Pin.

Overall Efficiency

The Overall efficiency of an electrical machine’s internal systems is known as its overall efficiency. It  is denoted by  ηo.

Formula for Total Power Loss in DC Motor

Power Loss = Input Power – Overall Efficiency x Input Power

Ploss = Pin – ηo x Pin


Ploss – Power Loss in DC Motor (in Watt)

Pin – Input Power in DC Motor (in Watt)

 ηo – Overall Efficiency

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