Electricity Consumption Calculator


Make an estimate of the consumption of energy and costs using the calculator provided below. The results will be dependent on the power needs of equipment and how to use them.

Modify the use for each appliance so that it most precisely reflects the personal usage for the best possible results.

The amount of time & power that is consumed by each appliance varies substantially from household to household, so in order to get the best results, modify the usage for each appliance.

Measurement of Electricity

Watt (W) is one of the most typical units used to measure the amount of electrical power that is supplied to equipment.

What is the value of one unit of electricity?

1 kWh equals 1 unit of electricity. Electricity is often priced in “units of electricity.” Watts x time equals kilowatt-hours (one kilowatt equals 1000 watts).

1 KWh = 1unit

KWh = Watts x Time

1 KW = 1000 Watts

Energy used by common appliances

The table below displays the estimated energy needs of several appliances (these figures might vary greatly depending on the equipment). It is especially important to remember that the needs indicated on an appliance’s packaging normally represent the appliance’s maximum energy requirements. Because typical appliance uses results in significantly less energy consumption than specified, it cannot be estimated directly as power demand x time.

Few AppliancesWatts (Estimated)
(HVAC) air conditionerranging from 2500 to 10000
Window Unit air conditionerranging from 1500 to 5000
Heater (for the house)ranging from 5000 to 20000
Heater (portable type)ranging from 700 to 2000
Fanranging from 15 to 200
LEDranging from 3 to 25
Incandescent Bulbranging from 15 to 200
Water Heaterranging from 3000 to 6600
Refrigeratorranging from 500 to 1000
Computer (Desktop and Laptop)ranging from 35 to 250

Tips for conserving energy

Here are a few suggestions for conserving energy and minimising the electrical cost. Not all of the above will always be feasible, but even a handful of them may result in cost savings.

  • Keep track of the energy consumption patterns. Many of them may not give much thought to how we use energy. Consciously recording a few of your energy behaviours over time might help you get a sense of how you use power. Changes like turning off lights or appliances that aren’t in use, using a standing fan instead of air conditioning when possible & more can add up to significant savings.
  • Replace ageing light bulbs, especially incandescent lights, with more energy-efficient LED bulbs. A standard incandescent light bulb consumes 75 W, but an LED consumes just 9 W. LEDs are more expensive in the near term, but if given the chance to replace any of the incandescent bulbs one may have, you will save significantly in the long run.
  • Install a thermostat with programmable settings if feasible. Heating and cooling often account for a considerable amount of energy costs. Configuring a thermostat to regulate the temperature based on your use requirements might result in substantial savings. It is also unnecessary to purchase a smart thermostat. fortunately, are connected to the thermostat, then may make a routine of manually changing it throughout the day to best suit those needs.
  • When buying for appliances, consider energy efficiency. Buying appliances that are energy efficient may result in big savings. Consider this in terms of the whole cost of the equipment, not just the original purchase price.
  • Examine the windows. Heat loss via windows is widespread, particularly in colder climates. Replace the windows with more energy-efficient windows that result in reduced heat loss if feasible. Similarly, in the event live in a hotter region, look for window that may reflect more light while also reducing the level of heat that enters through your windows. To save money on cooling, use curtains, shutters, or anything else that may block sunlight during the brightest parts of the day.
  • Insulate the house as much in order possibly. If the windows in your house, doors, vents, attic, walls,  & crawlspace are not well-insulated, then will pay more for heating and cooling.